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Registered user
Looking for:friends, dating a woman or a couple (2 women)
Country:🇺🇸 United States
City:Sleepy Hollow
Distance:505 km
Would you like to meet hungryeyes?
You: No Maybe Yes
Them: No Maybe Yes

about hungryeyes:
My favorite color is baby blue, I like to wear hollister or abercrombie, I cut my nails once every two weeks, I am growing out my hair, First car was a 1983 Grand Marquis, family oriented, only listen to rock and roll and heavy metal, I want to get a group together who can play at bars in te area, and progress, I have been with twenty partners, I went to schaumburg High school, I went to frost junior high, I went to dirksen elementary with mr. Shatkus as principal, I have experimented with all drugs, and love to drink, I am a missionary, and I help raise donations for several needs, I had no father my whole life, just me and mom, I act like I am fifteen sometimes, grandma says Smooch, love ya grandma! :) I am a Lutheran, I am tall and skinny, I like to read books, best last book I read was Bush on the couch, I cant decide what university to go to even though I am thirty three, lol, I have a lot of good family members who were always with the community and all of us worked our whole life, but me I used to hear voices and now I know, huh? Nevermind, I am saved as well, love me or hate me, but get to know me and I will always be there. Amen

hungryeyes' profession:
Looking for collges and universities to go to, 30 college credits so far to get me in.

hungryeyes' interests:
already did, above about things about me..

would you date someone under 4'10" tall?yes
body type:athletic
hair color:brown
eyes color:blue
do you still live with your parents?no, I live in my own appartment
do you own a car?no
marital status:single
do you have children?yes
would you date someone who has children?yes
do you want children?no
your religion:christian - other
do you like metal (the musical genre)?I'm a metal head! lml
are you vegan?no
do you drink alcohol?regularily
do you smoke cigarette?occasionally
do you smoke pot?occasionally
do you take other drugs?occasionally
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