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PM chat with meet&greet
looking for:friends, dating a man
distance:995 km

about meet&greet:
sorry no photo - but i am very generous with my info once u email me -thanks :)-

but i will let u gents know a little of what i am searching for -that is a ltr that will lead to marriage without children -sorry but that is the way i roll -thanks :)-

what meet&greet would like to do on a first date:
i am pretty open with only a few request for both of our safety/peace of mind:sunny public meet there daylight hours only, we both prearrange all details of the date-including being the gent u are -u will be paying for it-and last but by no means least - please show up or have the courtsey of contacting me -thanks :)-

meet&greet's profession:

meet&greet's interests:
arts, antiques, badmition, baking, cooking, dancing, eco studies, fun, boardgames, golf, talking, walking, learning, etc.

height:5' 8" (173 cm)
body type:big & tall/BBW
hair color:blond
eyes color:blue
do you still live with your parents?yes
do you own a car?my parents let me use their car
marital status:single
do you have children?no
do you want children?no
your religion:catholic
do you drink alcohol?regularily but in small quantity
do you smoke cigarette?no
do you smoke pot?no
do you take other drugs?no
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