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Registered user
Looking for:friends, dating a woman or a couple (2 women)
Country:🇺🇸 United States
Distance:175 km

Hello to you,
I am here to say hello to you!
I will always respect your feelings NO matter What ok>?
We all know why we are here, BUT I hope to develope AN understanding with you .,
If age is not a factor to you ok?
Ok I WILL be here OK?

So we can feel at ease with each other OK. AND I have needs AS well AS you ok? AND I will listen to them OK? As well I will listen to your feelings as well OK? I am A very open minded
person , As well as a very very SENSUAL person as WELL ok? I will be here to TALK to you ok?
I will not leave you out to dry SO to speak ok? I again WILL always respect your inner most feelings on all levels OK?

I hope to hear from you, And i hope I have not offened you in any way OK?
OK I am going to stop here OK> But that does mean you have to stop expressing your self to me IF you feel ok with that WITH me ok? I would like to say I am on YM OK>?
OK I will await to hear form you IF are ok With this OK?

HUGGS and KISSE for you wherever you may LIKE them >? THE KISSES for sure ok>?


what GILLILAN would like to do on a first date:
I would love to have the time with you So we could learn from each other AND OF course To feel from one another IF there is a GOOD feeling there!

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