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Registered user
Looking for:dating a man
Country:🇺🇸 United States
City:Battle Creek
Distance:320 km
Your next date? You decide: dlynneb?

about dlynneb:
Hi! I'm 5'7 without shoes, weigh 119 lbs., slender but still curvy. I put a priority on trying to keep up my appearance. my hair is waist long or close to it, brown with blonde highlights...and I would die without my make-up and Oil-of-Olay. I am somewhat older than one would think and right now would like to just e-mail. I am educated and am currently working towards funding to finish my Masters. Currently, I am on disability...if you smoke we can still e-mail but I have COPD and I don't want 4 hour breathing treatments as well as oxygen. Believe it or not, although they are not drinking age, my daughter and her friends wanted to take me to a club. I had a blast, but there's nothing like a real live ROCK & ROLL Band...aerosmith, guns&roses, red hot chili peppers.....

what dlynneb would like to do on a first date:
just e-mail

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