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PM chat with Longtermaim85
looking for:dating a woman
distance:1175 km

about Longtermaim85:
I'm looking for long-term in short and the beauty in finding such with another is taking the time to know one another not just for the ups, But also for the downs. Because when it comes to long-term, with another you don't just aim to be with them for just the ups, But also for their downs. Meaning taking them as a whole of a person and take steps together to find them two things we all strive for in life happiness and a better way of living our lives with every new day. Well this is just a little about my way of seeing things and like to know more feel free to ask me anything that comes to mind.

Longtermaim85's profession:
I work at Castellini

Longtermaim85's interests:
Music, Movies, Dinning, and more just ask :).

height:6' 1" (185 cm)
body type:athletic
hair color:brown
eyes color:hazel
marital status:single
do you have children?no
do you want children?undecided
your religion:other
do you drink alcohol?sometimes
do you smoke cigarette?occasionally
do you smoke pot?no
do you take other drugs?no
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