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PM chat with AC SLATER
looking for:dating a woman
distance:2230 km

about AC SLATER:
The reason I'm signing up on this site is because I wanna meet people outside my personal circle. I know alot of people but everyone dates everyone and I'm not into that. I'm really into rock n' roll. Mostly classic rock and have my own recording studio in N. Portland. I have a completely wide open schedule so I fully enjoy every moment of everyday. I love to shop especially for records and clothes. I'm creative and I love to travel. I just decided to start scouting bands around Portland to sign to my new record label "dirty dirty street records." Currently I've singed Portland's own The Villains and The Taste also of Portland. I'm still getting it figured out so technically the signing is just a handshake at this point.

what AC SLATER would like to do on a first date:
walk around in downtown Portland. Maybe something common and formal like dinner and a movie or pie and putt putt golf or go bowling and have drinks.

AC SLATER's profession:
Bar Tender

AC SLATER's interests:
Music, records, shows, playing basketball, my record label, talking shit to friends.

height:6' 0" (183 cm)
body type:average
hair color:brown
eyes color:green
do you still live with your parents?no, I live in my own appartment
do you own a car?no
marital status:single
do you have children?no
do you want children?undecided
your religion:non-religious
do you drink alcohol?regularily
do you smoke cigarette?no
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